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Common Dental Problems in Kids Explains by Dentist Countryside Dr



Parents want the best for their children's dental health and well-being. Healthy oral hygiene habits are essential when children have their first tooth. 

It will help prevent the most common dental problems they may face. Children of all ages are susceptible to dental-related issues, and this is why proactive and preventative care is crucial.

These are seven common dental issues that adolescents and children experience:

Tooth Decay (Cavities)

Many children under the age of five cannot brush their teeth without supervision. Cavities can also be a problem if a child eats many sugary foods. Sticky plaque builds up on the teeth’ surface and causes tooth decay. The plaque eats away the enamel and eventually wears the tooth.

Children should be supervised and assisted by their parents to brush their teeth until their hands are strong enough to hold and use a toothbrush.

Early tooth decay can be prevented by making sure that your children brush their teeth daily to remove plaque, bacteria, food particles, and other foreign substances.

A tooth filling is the most common treatment for a cavity, and this involves drilling out the decay and filling it with complex composite material.

Tooth Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth can cause discomfort and distraction, often leading to disruptions in your child's routine and focus. Many factors can cause tooth sensitivity in children.

It is essential to bring your child in for biannual check-ups to diagnose the root cause. Many things can make your child's smile sensitive, including:

  • Areas in decay (cavities).
  • Newly erupted permanent teeth
  • Enamel wear and acid erosion
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • Missing or cracked filling
  • Orthodontic treatment

There are many treatments available to help with sensitive teeth. To prevent your child's discomfort from getting worse, see your Dentist’s Countryside Dr immediately if the sensitive tooth is due to a dental problem such as a cavity.

But you can make sure that your kid doesn't get any of this dental problem by taking proper care of their teeth.

Dental Emergencies

Any time can occur for dental emergencies. A dental emergency can occur in many situations, including kids playing sports, riding bikes, and roughhousing with their siblings. These accidents can cause teeth to chip, break, or crack, and a permanent tooth can be removed entirely if the situation is more serious.

Call the Dentist Countryside Dr immediately if your child's permanent teeth fall out. The tooth can be placed in milk, saline solution, or clean water. A retainer may be necessary to allow the permanent tooth to be reattached to its socket by the Dentist Countryside Dr.

A custom mouthguard can help prevent injuries from sports. Still, parents cannot do everything to avoid them. Here are some more ways to protect your child's smile.

Pediatric Gingivitis and Gum Disease

Gum disease may seem like a problem that only affects adults. Unfortunately, parents will not be happy. Gingivitis and gum disease can be a problem in children, and they are quite common among pediatric dentists.

Gingivitis is often a precursor to gum disease and can be characterized by reddened, swollen, or slight bleeding from when your child flosses or brushes their teeth.

Children with poor oral hygiene are more likely to develop gum disease. Gum disease can cause pain in the mouth, gum recession, swelling, and even severe infections.

Gingivitis or gum disease can be avoided in most cases if you floss and brush your teeth more often. Sometimes, your child may have their teeth become so crooked or crowded that it is difficult to clean them properly, leading to gingivitis and gum disease.

Orthodontic Problems

It is rare for children to have straight teeth that aren't treated. Many orthodontic options can help your child smile confidently. Orthodontic problems can often be attributed to genetics, and the size and shape of your jaw play a part in how your child's teeth grow and join together.

Common misalignments in children include an open bite, spacing problems, overbite, and underbite.

It is a good idea for your child to go to their first appointment with an orthodontist around age seven or eight. Orthodontic problems are more than crooked smiles. Jaw problems, misalignments, and jaw problems can all result from significant overcrowding or misalignment of your child's teeth.

Must visit for: Orthodontic treatment in Brampton

Excessive Thumb Sucking

Many infants, toddlers, and small children resort to thumb-sucking or pacifier use to calm anxiety. The problem usually only becomes a problem when the child gets older.

If the thumb sucking continues, it can lead to difficulties in developing a child's teeth. Parents should stop allowing the habit to persist beyond the toddler years.

An open bite is most commonly caused by thumb sucking or pacifier use. An open bite occurs when the upper front teeth do not meet the lower teeth, and this can leave a gap in the mouth even when it is closed. This can make it hard for your child's and bite and even cause speech problems.

Phobias and Dental Anxiety

Many adults are anxious about visiting the Dentist Countryside Dr. It's not surprising that teens and children are also afraid of the dentist visit. It can be difficult for your child to go in for routine dental checks and teeth cleanings, and this anxiety can continue into adulthood and affect their dental health.

It is important to make dental anxiety for children fun and to relax. A pediatric dentist who has worked with anxious children and has a proven process for helping them is the best choice.

Teach your children about the importance of good dental hygiene and making it part of their daily routine can reinforce the idea that they shouldn't be afraid.

Being a positive role model for your child by brushing and flossing together and not missing their appointments is a great way to encourage good dental habits throughout life.


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