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How to Get Rid of a Toothache at Home Tips by Family Dentist in Brampton



When a tooth begins to ache, the only right decision is to see a Family Dentist in Brampton. Outbreaks of acute pain can hide diseases of the oral cavity that will not go away by them: caries, pulpitis, abscess, periodontitis, gum recession and others. 

Don’t worry here family dentist in Brampton shares some useful tips on How to relieve tooth pain at home? Consider pharmaceutical and folk remedies.


1.     Do not apply a warm compress or warm your teeth/cheeks in any other way. Pain is commonly caused by inflammation and the development of infections. Warm-up - equally stimulates the spread of the disease to adjacent teeth.

2.     Do not use the drug for any other purpose. On the net, there is a lot of expert advice on non-standard use of the drug. Can't follow blindly? For example, putting aspirin tablets on teeth in pain means putting them at risk of burns to the mucous membranes.

3.     Try not to lie down and place the pillow as high as possible when sleeping. The lower the head, the stronger the blood flow to the teeth and the stronger the pain. Try walking and sitting down more.

Finding out the cause of the pain

What to do if a tooth hurts? The first step is to understand the cause of pain and stop the effects of these stimuli. Sometimes this method alone is enough for long-term relief. 

Irritants can be cold, hot, sour, or sweet foods or temperature changes in food and air contact with teeth. Perhaps the point is in the drops in blood pressure. 

As well as too strong compression of the jaw, food getting into damaged areas and other mechanical influences. Painful sensations also arise after dental procedures. You probably won't find obvious reasons for a toothache. How to relieve pain in this case?

Read here: Home Remedies for Gum Disease

We use pharmaceutical preparations

Choose medicines that are intended for use in mucosal areas. To relieve toothache, pharmacies offer tablets, ointments, powders, suspensions. There is plenty to choose from. 

The five most common toothache medications are nimesulide, ketoprofen, ketorolac, meloxicam, and ibuprofen. Before using medicines, read the instructions, carefully study the contraindications, side effects and consult your doctor.

Take your medications correctly. We always recommend take the tablets with clean water at room temperature. Why? Tea changes the properties of the medicine and forms indigestible compounds. 

Coffee can cause an unexpected reaction and flushes out drugs so quickly that they cannot be absorbed. Drinking juice is fraught with poisoning. In the best case, juice drinks will reduce the effect of the drug. The same situation is with milk. And about alcoholic drinks and there can be no question!

Folk remedies by Family Dentist in Brampton

When teeth hurt after treatment, it is worth relying on them, and this pain is mild. Quick your mouth with decoctions of herbs such as sage, chamomile, saws and oregano.

It can be purchased at pharmacies, including filter bags. It is convenient because you do not have to measure the gram yourself. In addition, the package has a description. If you consume herbs by weight or have no use, follow these rules: 

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs with a glass of water;
  • Leave for 15 minutes;
  • Filtering the broth;
  • Wait until it cools down to room temperature;
  • Rinse without interruption for at least 15 minutes, then once every half hour if the pain is severe, every 10 minutes.

What to do if a tooth hurts? We ease the pain and go to the Dentist in Brampton as soon as possible. The methods described in the article may partially reduce toothache. Symptoms, however, signs can only be removed entirely by treating its causes. After the pain has been relieved, it may seem that everything is all right again, and it is worth postponing a visit to the Family Dentist in Brampton.

Don't get fooled by this psychological trick! The inflammation does not go away with the pain. And over time, it will return with renewed vigour. It is easier to fill the canal now than to remove the tooth later wholly. Even tolerable pain is a reason to go to the doctor.


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