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Tooth-friendly diet for Healthy Teeth Suggested by Dentist in Brampton


Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing are essential for the health of your teeth. But how tooth-friendly is your refrigerator? 

Avoiding sugary and acidic foods becomes a lot easier when you find tasty alternatives. In addition, chewing healthy snacks keeps plaque out and can work wonders. Here best tooth friendly diet for healthy teeth suggested by Brampton Dentist.


Even if the sticky cream pudding is calling out loudly for you - you'd better opt for the cheese platter. The acid-neutralizing effect protects the tooth enamel and thus reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Did you know that the risk of plaque increases when the pH drops below 5.5? On the other hand, cheese consumption increases the pH value in the mouth as the milk product neutralizes the acid. 

It also has a high calcium content, which nourishes and strengthens tooth enamel.

By the way: Adults need around 700 mg of calcium every day. 30 g of cheese, therefore, already covers 32 per cent of your daily needs!


Packed with protein and tooth-strengthening calcium, even a small dollop of unsweetened Yogurt can do wonders. Try sugar-free, plain, or Greek Yogurt for breakfast, a late afternoon snack, or even a healthy dessert. 

Similar to cheese, Yogurt balances the pH of your mouth and neutralizes any plaque acid. Its calcium content helps rematerialize the most robust substance in your body: your tooth enamel. 

The hard truth? Tooth enamel cannot grow back, so it is particularly important to eat a diet rich in calcium to protect it.

Carrots and celery

The natural toothbrush gear: raw carrots and celery sticks. The crispy factor of these two fibre-rich vegetables has a cleansing effect and is a natural abrasive for your teeth. 

It also stimulates your gums to keep them firm and healthy. The naturally chewy texture of the celery means it takes longer to chew, which promotes your salivation. 

The same goes for munching crunchy carrots. The stimulated saliva flow washes away food particles and bacteria that would otherwise remain in your mouth, thus preventing tooth decay. Saliva also contains an enzyme that neutralizes the acid.

Dark leafy vegetables

Greens are not only good for your general well-being but also your teeth, says "Dentist Countryside Dr." Leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, cabbage and broccoli contain many minerals such as magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin K (ideal for binding calcium) and beta-carotene. The latter allows your body to absorb vitamin A while promoting the flow of saliva in your mouth.

Fresh fruits

Sticky sweet treats and says hello to fresh fruit. The skin and pulp of an apple, for example, are very rich in fibre. It also stimulates the flow of saliva, similar to chewing carrots or celery sticks. 

Apples can incidentally also help bad breath to fight. It is because their natural fibre removes plaque and debris that is on the back of the tongue.

Oranges are a different healthy snack that has to be observed. Plus: its vitamin C content is excellent for the gums. Vitamin C helps your teeth grow and repair and strengthens bones and cartilage tissue.


Dentist Countryside Dr recommends lean meat, fish, seafood and tofu is not only valuable sources of protein; they are also sources of phosphorus. Phosphorus plays an important role in building and maintaining healthy teeth and bones in both children and adults. Did you know that calcium needs phosphorus to strengthen bones? Without phosphorus, our calcium intake would be useless.

Cheers to the water

A healthy, tooth-friendly diet includes drinking, drinking and drinking. In particular, water containing fluoride (mostly found in tap water) is very beneficial for your oral health, protecting the tooth enamel. 

Recent research has shown that fluoride in tap water reduces tooth decay in children and adults by 25 per cent!

The bad guy: sugar

Don't drink with a high sugar content like energy drinks, fruit juices, carbonated drinks, and even smoothies. When you drink, the bacteria in your mouth meet the sugar. 

In the process, acids have produced that attack the tooth enamel. The loss of tooth enamel caused by food acids can lead to tooth discoloration and increased sensitivity.

Sugary drinks aren't the only culprits who will want to mess with your bright smile. Be careful with alcohol and dark drinks. The glass of red wine or mixed drink may taste good for the moment, but it can also damage your tooth enamel

Moderation is the key. If you feel like drinking alcohol, drink from a straw, so sugar and acid do not get on your teeth. If there are no straws, take turns sipping your alcoholic drink with water and trying to rinse your mouth afterwards. Be sure to wait an hour after drinking before brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. It gives your tooth enamel time to recover.

Don't forget: Tooth-friendly nutrition is no substitute for thorough dental care! So always remember to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, floss and replace sugary snacks with tooth-friendly foods.

If you want to treat yourself to something, that's perfectly fine. However, it is better to have a large dessert after dinner instead of sugary snacks and drinks throughout the day.


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