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Why Cosmetic Dentistry is Beneficial by Dentist in Brampton



Cosmetic Dentistry treatment by Dentist in Brampton Ontario offers many ways to achieve the goal of an aesthetic smile with beautiful teeth. There are many ways to get this look.

Here read this article about Cosmetic Dentistry, treatment, and how it is beneficial for you.


Cosmetic dentistry is a part of dentistry in which, in addition to health and functional aspects, the focus is primarily on the aesthetics of the teeth.

They include numerous treatments that affect the appearance of teeth and gums.


The beauty of a face is determined not least by our teeth. For centuries, a white, radiant smile has stood for vitality, assertiveness, sympathy, and also eroticism.

The top priority of cosmetic dentistry is accordingly the aesthetics of the teeth. So the most natural and well-groomed appearance of the teeth, which includes both fixed dentures and natural teeth.

The term aesthetic dentistry or cosmetic dentistry therefore mainly refers to an optimized dental prosthesis based on the model of nature.


Numerous treatment methods from so-called white tooth aesthetics and red tooth aesthetics are combined under the umbrella of cosmetic dentistry.

This includes:

·        Teeth Whitening: Our eating and living habits leave traces that can be removed in the long term with professional teeth cleaning and teeth bleaching.

·        Inlays: White inlays (ceramic inlays) allow a natural-looking treatment for damage caused by caries.

·        Orthodontic corrections (braces): Thanks to modern methods, adults can also gently straighten crooked teeth with inconspicuous braces.

·        Fully ceramic crowns and bridges: Dentures that look very similar to your teeth.

·        Dental implants: Optimal aesthetics and hold for your dentures.


Tartar, plaque and inflammation in the periodontium (periodontitis) create unsightly, long, and, above all, loose teeth, which can later lead to tooth loss. Such teeth are successfully treated in cosmetic dentistry and can later be used as aesthetically important abutment teeth for dentures.

With GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration) with the use of absorbable membranes and suitable regeneration materials (Emdogain), lost substance on the tooth can be built up and regenerated with appropriate pretreatment (open curettage).

With subsequent optimal oral hygiene and prophylaxis, chronic disease processes such as inflammation of the gums on the periodontium can be stopped and the natural beauty of your teeth can be preserved in the long term.


Veneers color matching

·        Veneers are thin fully ceramic shells (ceramic veneers) that are glued onto the prepared tooth and can correct numerous aesthetic irregularities. Veneers offer excellent, natural aesthetics in the following situations: broken tooth

·        Tooth defects due to tooth decay

·        Discoloration that cannot be lightened (for example, on a tooth filling).

·        Teeth too short

·        Misaligned teeth

·        Teeth of different sizes


If tooth decay has so severely destroyed the tooth structure that a filling is no longer sufficient, a crown can be the last resort. Ceramic crowns are a type of denture that enables solid teeth. Before the ceramic crown can be attached with special cement, the tooth must be prepared by the dentist, with the preservation of a healthy tooth substance in the foreground. Tooth and crown connect, the permanent hold ensures firm teeth. The advantages of ceramic crowns: natural appearance (optimal aesthetics)

  • High biocompatibility without the risk of allergies
  • No interactions with other materials
  • Cold/warm behavior similar to a natural tooth
  • Long durability


The teeth whitening treatment is another option in cosmetic dentistry. In practice, only gentle procedures that are medically recognized and harmless are used. 

Therefore, teeth whitening at the dentist do not pose any risk to gums and tooth enamel. On the other hand, it is better not to use bleaching kits for home use, as you risk damaging the enamel.

The only disadvantage is a possible sensitivity reaction of the teeth, which only a small part of the patient's experiences and which subsides within a short time after the whitening session. The greatest advantage of professional whitening is that the teeth are permanently whitened. In many cases, patients report duration of up to three years. 

In addition, the whitening tincture is carried out by experienced staff under dental supervision, so it is guaranteed that the gums are not damaged. A tooth bleaching does not take long and can be done in one session at the Dentist in Brampton Ontario.


When it came to dental implants, it was believed that exclusive osseointegration describes the success of implant treatment. Now more than ever, cosmetic dentistry is trying to restore the original situation (red-white aesthetics).

Good implant planning with later, navigated implant placement using computer technology is standard in many implantology dental practices today. Only with this extremely precise navigation method can dental implants be implanted in the bone in such a way that exactly fitting and optically perfect dentures such as implant crowns and implant bridges can later be used.

If gums and bones are not sufficiently available during this procedure, this deficit is later compensated for by augmenting bones or soft tissue augmentation.



As soon as the implants have healed well, they are exposed as gently as possible to insert the planned dentures. Here, according to the guidelines of SOFT Implant logy, an attempt is made to find the optimal starting position for aesthetic dentistry utilizing special displacement plastics in soft tissue management. A dental implant made of ceramic provides additional design options for implant-prosthetic rehabilitation in the case of very thin gingiva in the anterior region. This range also includes all-ceramic abutments which, together with the ceramic dental implant, meet the highest aesthetic demands in the anterior region.


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