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Dental Hygiene Tips by Best Dentist in Brampton

Maintaining dental hygiene is important to keep your teeth healthy. Even if you are told that you have beautiful teeth, it is important to take care of them and take the right measures every day to prevent dental problems. This includes obtaining the right oral care products and paying attention to dental habits by the best dentists in Brampton.

Read the good dental hygiene tips in this article here.

Plaque for poor oral hygiene

Plaque is a bacterial and often poorly visible plaque that adheres to the teeth. It is dangerous in two ways as it can cause tooth decay and other diseases such as gingivitis. 

Tooth decay is one of the most common consequences of poor oral hygiene. If the diseases are not treated, in the worst case there is a risk of chronic inflammation at the root tips or in gum pockets. So don't be afraid to go to your dentist in Brampton

This prevents unwanted surprises, which may still be associated with costs.

Tips for Dental Hygiene 

Brushing twice a day

It would be ideal to brush your teeth three times a day after every meal, but at least in the morning and especially in the evening. 

Otherwise, the bacteria would have time to multiply all night in the evening. 

If you have ingested acidic foods, it is advisable to wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth so that the tooth enamel can harden again due to the minerals contained in the saliva. 

Otherwise, due to the acid, you run the risk of attacking the enamel while brushing.

Plastering technology with a system  

To remove as much food residue and plaque as possible with the brush, you should not only work with circular and horizontal scrubbing movements. 

Get used to shaking and vertical movements. Also try not to miss any areas, especially the back molars. Create a system.  

First, brush your chewing surface, then the outer surface, and then the inner surface, on each side above and below. The following graphic illustrates the cleaning process.

Correct pressure on teeth with a toothbrush

Don't scrub too quickly as this will make your teeth more sensitive in the long run and it can lead to receding gums. Dental plaque is not hard, but soft. There is therefore no need to brush too hard.

Recommended to read: Avoid Food that Can Harm Our Teeth

Ideal cleaning time  

If you use a manual toothbrush, you should spare your teeth for at least 3 minutes for cleaning. With an electric toothbrush, 2 minutes is enough. If necessary, it would be worth considering buying a toothbrush watch to keep an eye on the duration.

Correct toothbrush

The toothbrush should not be too soft or too hard. A medium-soft variant is recommended so that the teeth are brushed but the gums are not damaged too much. The brush head should be short and slightly angled to reach hard-to-reach areas.

When it comes to the brush handle, we recommend that you handle it well. A sturdy and thick handle facilitates controlled movements during the cleaning process. According to the dentist in Brampton, the toothbrush should be changed after 3 months at the latest it loses its ability to effectively remove plaque with daily use.

Toothpaste containing fluoride for tooth enamel

Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Almost all toothpaste is nowadays not dangerous from a medical point of view, as the fluoride content is only contained in small amounts. 

The fluoride protects and strengthens the tooth enamel against acid attacks and tooth decay. If you are using toothpaste without fluoride, supplementary toothpaste with a high concentration of fluoride can be used once a week after consultation with your dentist. Strengthen and preserve your tooth enamel against the sensitivity of your teeth.

Dental floss for interdentally spaces

The dental floss is ideal for cleaning the spaces between the teeth. These are areas between two teeth standing next to each other. The spaces between the teeth cannot be easily reached with a normal toothbrush. 

If it is neglected, interstitial caries, tartar, or periodontitis are usually the results. It is best to use dental floss daily before brushing your teeth and after every meal to completely remove the plaque. 

Applied before brushing, it is the in the toothpaste ingredients contained that allows their full effect even in to unfold the interdentally spaces.

Mouth rinse solution for disinfection

In addition to daily dental care, fluoride-containing solutions for caries prevention are used. The mouth rinse has a disinfectant effect and protects against inflammation by reducing plaque. It also ensures fresh breath. Use the mouthwash solution once a day after brushing your teeth.

Spit it out, but do not rinse again with water. When buying, look for products with chlorhexidine, tin chloride, or amine and tin fluoride solutions. However, the mouthwash is not a substitute for a toothbrush or floss.

Tongue care with tongue cleaners

Countless bacteria cavort on the tongue, especially in the last third. They cause bad breath and are one of the main reasons for bad breath. To counteract this, the daily use of so-called tongue scrapers is recommended. With the tongue out, they are placed as far back as possible and guided forward with gentle pressure.

After each cleaning process, the tongue scraper must be rinsed under running water. Three to four cleaning processes are recommended, followed by a mouthwash solution used or rinsed with clean water. If used regularly, the tongue cleaner should be replaced after six to eight weeks.

Visit the dentist in Brampton

Go to your nearby dentist in Brampton for regular check-ups, at least twice a year. Because despite all the measures taken to maintain a healthy dental system, teeth and gums can be damaged.


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