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Common Dental Problems That Must be solved by Best Dentist in Brampton


I know it's difficult, but the fact is that most of the Dental problem can be easily prevented. It just requires time and good habit. We’ve all been told from an early age that it’s important to take care of our teeth by flossing and brushing regularly or concerning Dentist in Brampton.

Here are various dental problems, such as sensitive teeth or bad breath and how to go about treating them.

Tooth decay: 
This is one of the serious oral problems that, if left untreated, could cause severe dental complications. Often, prolonged instances of tooth decay result in eating and speaking problems in children. Also, known as caries, tooth decay is preventable.

Foods rich in carbohydrates such as candy, cookies, soft drinks, and even fruit juices leave deposits on the teeth. These deposits, in turn, combine with the bacteria that are present in the mouth to form plaque, resulting in tooth decay.

If children are suffering from this problem than parents should start taking their children to the dentist from an early age to identify and resolve the issue in an effective manner as soon as possible. Delay will make it worse.  The dentist will clean the child’s teeth and teach some healthy practices like proper brushing and flossing.

"Tooth decay in babies are also known as baby bottle tooth decay or nursing bottle syndrome"

Bad breath
It might be embarrassing or I make you afraid to talk with someone with bad breath. Dental studies say that around 85 percent of human with persistent bad breath have a dental condition that is to blame. It could be due to many reasons cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, dry mouth, bacteria but the most common is not brushing your teeth properly. And you will lose your teeth whitening.

You should brush your teeth twice a day properly and flossing. Use a soft brush with mouth freshening toothpaste. If it still not getting better then you must visit the Best Dentist in Brampton Ontario for best dental services.

Early tooth loss 
Children often lose teeth from decay or injury. Sometimes, if baby teeth are lost before permanent teeth are yet to erupt, it can cause the teeth to shift from their normal path, leading to misalignment of both the baby and permanent tooth. If ignored, the remaining teeth could crowd into the space intended for the permanent tooth.

It occurs due to an excessive intake of sugar, coloring, and fast food. It often in kind but if it is your caste then you must take it seriously coz you are not going to look pretty without teeth.

"Nutrition plays an important role in dental health. Parents should also ensure their children maintain proper oral habits from an early age"

Gum Disease
Bacterial infection caused by plaque that hits the gums, bone, and ligaments that keep your teeth in place. Early-stage is also known as gingivitis, the advanced stage as periodontitis.
Who’s at risk: Everyone? It is estimated that half of all adults have some signs of gum problems. It is a huge number but it’s true. Those people with oral health unhygienic; those with a systemic disease, such as diabetes, that lowers resistance to infection; and smokers. Girls even have an inclination to develop periodontitis throughout gestation. Stress, which weakens the immune system, and genes.

What to do: Concern dental clinic, Best Dentist in Brampton, and tell her if your gums feel tender or bleed. It can be changed with regular brushing and flossing. To combat periodontitis, a doctor may perform a deep cleaning around and below your teeth and gum lines and prescribe medication to combat the infection.

Sensitive teeth: 
Continuous consumption of sugary foods, carbonated drinks and sweets can lead to sensitive teeth in children. Toddlers with sensitive teeth often experience pain in their teeth while having hot or cold food.
Over time, tooth enamel wears down, gums recede and the tooth starts to develop cracks. This exposes the interior of the tooth and causes irritation of the nerve endings.

"If your child suffers from tooth sensitivity, you could opt for special toothpaste, fluoride varnish, restoration, and even nightguard to combat the problem"

Gum disease: 
In simple terms, gum disease is a condition where the gum line is inflamed. It is a condition caused by bacteria and food particles that build up on teeth and form plaque. If not treated properly, this condition can deteriorate to affect the bone that surrounds and support the teeth.

Normally, there are three stages:

  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Advanced periodontitis
Of these three, chronic gingivitis is common in children. Gingivitis causes the gum soft tissue to swell and turn red, which often leads to bleeding.
"Gum disease can be prevented by teaching children how to brush and floss daily"

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a serious dental problem that should be treated early in children. Many children grind their teeth while sleeping, which causes erosion of the tooth enamel.

Toddlers outgrow this habit as they grow older. Some ill effects of grinding include:

  • gradual wearing away of the primary and permanent teeth.
  • dental or muscular pain.
  • disturbed sleep
Note: Parents can take their toddler to the dentist if he continues to grind his teeth.

Dental problems affect everyone. But, when they start at an early age, they could lead to health complications later. If your child suffers from any of the above-mentioned dental complications, it is advisable to visit the dentist.

Many people suffer Dental Problems but it’s better to prevent it and start taking care of it by makes sure to Visit your Best Dentist in Brampton Ontario.


  1. Sapphire dental is a reputable dental clinic based in Brampton. We have many years of experience, you can rely on us to offer a range of dental care and treatments. Whether you are need preventive dental solutions or are looking for cosmetic dental treatments, we are here for you. All our dentists are qualified and professional.


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