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Showing posts from February, 2019

Know Why Dental Care Is Important For Senior Citizens

Dental care is essential for everyone.   But it is more important for senior citizens to properly take care of their oral health. Most of the time, seniors often ignore their oral health. There are many dental problems arise as they grow older and dental problems direct impacts their overall health. A routine dental checkup is essential for senior citizens to help them avoid dental problems like root decay, gum disease, thrush, dry mouth, and even tooth loss.   Today we will discuss the most common dental problems in senior citizens and how to keep their oral health and overall health good & intact. We recommended the best Family dentist in Brampton for your entire family. Most common dental problem 1.     Gum disease:   it is caused by plaque and left over food particles in the mouth/teeth area. Gum diseases often tend to affect people over the age of 40. The main reason behind this is their poor oral hygiene or bad diet. Regularly smoke...